So, I was hoping to have some of Hopey's 6 month pictures to share, but her sitting went BADLY! After attempting to get her to stop screaming for an hour and a half, the photographer asked me to please reschedule our session...I was so embarrassed. On a bright note, Hopey got to meet her great-grandparents for the first time last weekend! My grandparents live in Wisconsin, so we hadn't attempted that drive yet since Hopey hates the car and her car seat! We ended up traveling at night in hopes that she would sleep, and she did after the first three hours! :) Seriously though, she did well, and we were relieved! Anyway, we had a fantastic time in Wisconsin! Hopey even got to have a sleepover with her great-gram and gramps! Grandma cooked us three of the best meals anyone has ever made, and I surprised everyone by taking absolutely NO pictures!! HA! What a joke! I did better though, I only took 368, so of course, I've gotta share a few!
This is Hopey getting to meet her great-grandpa Norm for the first time. They had all kinds of fun hanging out together, and Hopey just loved him to pieces! She would stop whatever she was doing to watch him whenever he walked into a room. She thought he was the best thing since sliced bread!
This is great-grandma Babe. Hopey and gram sang together, rocked, took a bath, had a sleepover, played games, and just wore themselves out having so much fun! I don't think she was thrilled when we brought her home and gram wasn't there to play with her anymore! Hopey loved her so much!
This was our four generation picture, and we're super happy to have it!