Monday, January 4, 2010

For My Mom

My dear, sweet mother has recently brought it to my attention that I haven't been doing a very good job of keeping up with my blog, and for that, I'm sorry. I do most of my updating on Facebook, but then I forget that not everyone is on Facebook, so all of you aren't seeing the Witzig happenings. Anyway, Ma, this post is for you! You asked to see some of the Christmas pictures today, so here you go! I love you, and I promise I'll do better! :) 


Meghan said...

So what's the story behind the last picture and 3 WIDE open mouths!!! :) (Love the pics... SO adorable!)

MA said...

THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!!! You are a wondderful daughter to give your Mom such a great update. The pics are adorable. Your Dad and I are sitting here ooohhhing and aaahhhing!! THANK YOU FOO!!!! You are the best.
MA Love it that now I am AKA GRANDMA

Brian said...

Even though I am very thankful that the craziness of Christmas is over for another 11 months, these pictures make me miss it already. Great job Pearl! From that last picture, you'd think Ma got the keys to a Gator made out of Oreo cookies and pineapple upside down cake. That's the only thing that could make all three of them THAT happy at the same time.