Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A Fresh Start

Since Ikey's birth, I've let all kinds of things go. Not intentionally mind you, just due to the shear lack of time. My little man just doesn't sleep, therefore, time for myself is basically nonexistent. (I apologize if this sounds like a pity party, but I'm getting to the point, I promise!) Anyway, my little butterball turned 6 months old last week, and I've decided it's time to reclaim certain aspects of my life...including my blog!!! :)

All of that said, I took a long hard look at my blog and realized that it had been created with only one of my children in mind, the Hope of my heart. While I still adore that little girl to no end, I'm pretty crazy about her little brother also!! Thus began the rebirth of the blog to incorporate both of my favorite kiddos on the planet.

The name game is always difficult for me because I know what I want to say, but typically I can only think of cheesy ways to say it. I also truly wanted to hang on to "Hope of my Heart" and just try to incorporate Ikey in with a tag line of the meaning of his name. That ended up being too cheesy even for me, so the idea was nixed. Anyway, making a super long story a bit shorter, as most of you know, both Hopey AND Ikey are miracle babies. Along those lines, I came up with several ridiculous titles and finally tried a couple of them out on Brian. Of course he was incredibly supportive (as he always is), but he was also super excited to throw his two cents worth in this time. He started rambling on and on about Smokey Robinson's album "A Pocket Full of Miracles" and how it was the most clever album cover he had ever seen. Smokey's group was called The Miracles and the album cover was a picture of The Miracles literally popping out of a pocket...Brian's easily amused, what can I say? ;) Well, I thought about that album title all night long, and by morning, I had decided that a small twist on that idea was exactly what I was looking for.

I was told I could never have children, but God had other plans. One year to the day after marrying Brian, we found out that we were indeed pregnant. After an incredibly difficult pregnancy, we were given the gift of Hope. A little over two years later, we found out that we were going to have another little miracle. This time, the pregnancy was almost unbearable, and at one point, we were told the baby had actually died. Again, the doctors were wrong, and we were given the gift of Isaac. After the severity of my two pregnancies, I was advised against having more children. But my two beautiful miracles are more then I ever could have hoped for. A pocketful is defined as the amount a pocket can hold, and from where I'm standing, my pockets appear to be overflowing. 


HopeUnbroken said...

i love this! love the name change, and love the beautiful way you explained it.
looking forward to hearing from you more often again!
steph p.

Gramma said...

I LOVE IT!!!! What precious little dolls. You did a really good job explaining what has gone on with your pregnancies and babies. I love the little footies. So thankful for all of you.

nicole said...

i LOVE the new name! it's perfect .. and so are those sweet kiddies of yours! :) love you guys!!

Brian said...

The new blog is lovely, my pearl! It amuses me greatly, but since I'm so easily amused that might not mean too much:) You did a great job explaining our little miracles. Just remember that God has entrusted you with them because of all you have to offer as a mother. The kids and I are the ones who have been given an amazing gift - you!