Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Hopey's One Year Old Pictures

I'm so incredibly behind!! I just realized that I never even posted Hopey's one year old pictures!! I also never thanked Danielle, The Design Girl for giving my blog a wonderful new makeover! Thank you Danielle, you know how much I love it!! She has generously offered to take $10 off of your deposit if any of you are looking for a blog makeover as well! She's so great to work with, and I HIGHLY recommend her! Okay, now for your viewing pleasure (a mere month and a half late) here are Hopey's pictures!


Devon said...

piano prodigy already?! :)

Anonymous said...

She is SO stinkin' cute- I just want to squeeze her!

Grammie said...

Cutest baby I have ever seen in my life. TOTALLY ADORABLE!!!!!

Meghan said...

Oh my goodness... I love that kid.

The Poores said...

How sweet!! She is such a cutie.

Brian said...

Is it just me or can you totally see her crazy personality in every one of these pictures? That's my girl!

Devon said...

1) find me a place to stay and a job.
2) i will totally be there!