Monday, February 15, 2010

Simply Fantastic News!!

If you've already seen this on Facebook, my apologies for the duplication! BUT, if you haven't, it's my great pleasure to present to you OUR NEW HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Danielle Moss said... know how we drove around and I said all homes should have white siding and black shutters?! Well, NICELY DONE. It is GORGEOUS!!!! I love it. Congrats!!!

Tasha said...

so darling. Give us the scoop, where's it at, what's it like inside. Can't wait to hear.

Gamma said...

We are so excited for you. We think you will love living there. We will love having you closer, too. Hopey can come and live in Hopey's room lots. YEAH!!!!!
Papa & Gamma

Danielle Moss said...

Did we drive by that house when you were driving me around? It looks so much like one of the homes we saw.

Anonymous said...

ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!? Seriously- GORGEOUS! And yeah- we want details!!! Yay for Thanksgiving at Brian and Faith's next year!! haha

The Tate Fam said...

Congrats! Where is it at? It's so much fun having your own house!